Green jokes

What NFL teams parts with James Charles!?

Green bay packers & New England Patriots

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There was a fancy dress party the theme was emotions. one guy came dressed in green and he was envy, another person came dressed in red and she was anger another guy came dressed in blue and he was sadness. Two indians came, one came with a hole in a pear and his d*** was in the pear said he was deep in dispear, the other indian came with his d*** in custard and he said he was f***ing dicustard

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Why did the camle cross the road

Because it wanted to get to the bright green grass

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What’s got 4 wheels, does a barrel roll, and goes from green to red in seconds?

Kermit in a car crash.

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Things said by racist aliens:

“Some of my best friends are Green.”

“I just know that Orange guy stole my spaceship.”

“You’re very pretty for a Purple girl.”

“We know you Tentacletians like to rape everyone with your tentacles!”

“Adax Hitao should have finished off you Bluish people.”

“You 2-headed people are so stupid!”

“No Slimatians are allowed in this restaurant because of health codes.”

“Get the hell out of my store you grigger!”

“The Plu Plux Plum meeting is tonight! Let’s burn some spaceships on the Greenies’ lawns!”

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Why are Chinese so good at jay-walking? Cause they can’t tell the difference between green and red light with their tiny eyes.

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Hoow on god’s green earth does my boyfriend have a phone? JK WE NEED TO TALK ILL TYPE THE SECRET CODE (YOU’LL KNOW WHAT IT MEANS.) GREEN PUSSY CAT LIKES BANNANS.

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I found alien in my backyard I put him to work. He went to farm never seen him again moments later he is on daily planet acting as reporter a green rock smashed my house. I called him back he passed out.

I remarked you lazy

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Stephen Hawking is intelligent. He is not as green as he is cabbage.

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What is green, fuzzy, and if it fell out of a tree it would kill you? A pool table

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